Participation Certificate of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan National Online Quiz (By Vijnana Bharti in the callobration of Vigyan Prsar, Department of Science and Technology & NCERT, MHRD, Govt. of India ) generation is start for the invigilator , examination center coordinator and also for the student participant for various level like school,State only.This certificate is in the form of soft copy with various deatails like name ,class ,school, rank etc for the student; and name and school for invigilator and examination center coordinator.This certificate can be download by clicking below link-
1. Download Certificate for Invigilator and Center Coordinator
2. VVM student participant Certificate
3. Student Disrict leve Certificate
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मेरी बेटी ज़िज्ञासा गुप्ता पिछले साल मास्क वियरिंग फार 10 सेकेंड में भाग ली थी उसके सर्टिफिकेट अभी तक नहीं आया