Saturday, 10 July 2021

Technological Session on the Ideation to Product life Cycle using CAD

 Technological Session on the  Ideation to Product life Cycle using CAD

From 8th to 10th  July 2021 many technological sessions were organized in St Xavier's School, Hazaribag on the topic “Ideation to Product life Cycle using CAD”. This was an interactive session of the school organized using the Google meet service. Students were able to understand easily about Ideation process, design thinking, the concept of innovation, scientific thinking, invent and innovator by the Coordinator of Aryabhatt Science Club, Ranka Alok Kumar Chaudhary.  In addition, the coordinator focused on the concept of Atal tinkering lab and its importance in employability, startup and entrepreneurship. Principal of the school Fr. Rosner Xaxlo motivated students to do innovation by this not only and school will get good fame while people will also be benefitted. All students well enjoyed and learnt the session while the time taken is more than the assigned time. All student wants more session like this.  

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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