Tuesday, 29 December 2020

District Youth Parliament

District Youth Parliament 

Aryabhatt Science Club, Ranka were part of the District youth parliament organized by the Nehru Yuva Kendra, Garhwa. Coordinator of Club Sh. Alok Kumar Chaudhary was addressed on the special scheme of the Govt of India by which rural people can be more developed with the help of the technical knowledge of the educational institution. The topic of address was the  Unnat Bharat Abhiyan-Unleashing the power of communities and using technologies for their upliftment. Club members were also registered for the programme and participated in the programme. The programme was organized under the leadership of Mohsin Hashmi, District Youth Coordinator, Garhwa. In the event, many youths of the whole district participated in the event.

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


  1. National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has Changed Academic year This Year 1st Class Students NCERT Will be Provided English Subject New Textbook in New Entrance Fresh Students for Fresh English Language Text book. NCERT English Textbook for 1st Class English Text Book for Classes 1 were Prepared by NCERT and Communicated to CBSE. The Hindi Medium, English Medium Primary School Level Elementary Education are Prepared in the light of Recommendations of Position Paper on Examination Reforms and National Curriculum Framework.
