Friday, 10 January 2020

Evaluation scheme for Vidyarthi vigyan manthan state level camp

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Evaluation scheme for Vidyarthi vigyan manthan state level camp

Evaluation Scheme for State Level Camp (SLC)
Second component of evaluation of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) after screening
First Level ONLINE Exam is State Level Camp (SLC). All the selected students of SLC
have successfully cleared first round and have demonstrated their excellence through
written examination. The team VVM congratulates all the successful candidates for
their success.
There will be a one/two days camp for the selected students in their respective state.
The date and place of State Level Camp will be communicated to the students by their
state coordinator. In the State Level Camp students will be given opportunity to
showcase their talent under the following Groups of activities.
The SLC will have the components as given in the table:
S. N. Component Duration Weightage
A. Application Oriented Scholastic Aptitude Test (AOSAT)
questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math,
based on NCERT syllabus
90 minutes
B. Indian Contribution and Advancements in Science and
Technology (ICAST) (in ICAST questions will be based on
Pokhran, antisatellite missile and on current
developments in medicine and surgery in India in last 10
* No separate study material will be provided.
Experimental Skill Test (EST) in Physics, Chemistry, Biology
and Math, based on academic knowledge of NCERT of
respective class
80 minutes 40%
3 Understanding Science Concept Through Video (USCTV) 20 minutes 10%
1. Application Oriented Scholastic Aptitude Test (AOSAT) and ICAST
It is a pen and paper test (90 minutes duration). This question paper has two

(i) Questions on subject (20%): questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology
and Math will be there. These questions will be based on NCERT
curriculum of the respective classes.

(ii) Indian Contribution and Advancements in Science and Technology
(ICAST) (30%): This year, this part includes questions based on Pokhran
tests and antisatellite missile and in current development in medicine
and surgery in India in last 10 years.
2. Experimental Skill Test (EST) in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math
Hands-on-activity based on contents of NCERT curriculum of the respective
class. Students will be given 20 min for each subject to perform activities in
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math i.e. total 80 minutes.
3. Understanding Science Concept Through Video (USCTV):
A demonstration of 2-5 minutes duration will be shown and a few, related,
questions will be asked.
Maximum marks of SLC will be 100, out of these 50 marks will be given to
AOSAT & ICAST, 40 marks to EST and 10 marks to the USCTV.
The result of state level camp and the list of selected students for national level
camp will be declared on the same day before 05:00 PM.

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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