Sunday, 7 July 2019

Attended Interactive Workshop on Socio- Environmental Issues of Coal Mining

Workshop on Socio- Environmental Issues of Coal Mining,BCL Dhanbad,Vibha jharkhand,v vigyan Bharti Jharkhand, N P shukla , CSIR-CIMFR scientist,Alok kumar Chaudhary

Attended Interactive Workshop on Socio- Environmental Issues of Coal Mining

Attended Interactive Workshop on Socio- Environmental Issues of Coal Mining jointly organised by BCCL & Vigyan Bharti , Jharkhand.Nice to listen Environment specialist Dr. NP Shukla and Dr. Jayant Rao Saharabuddhe of Vigyan Bharti

2nd talk of Aryabhatta vyakhyanmala of Vibha Jharkhand was organised  in the conference hall of  Bharat Coking Coal Limited Dhanbad. The talk was on "Socio-environmental-environmental issues of Coal Mining" by Dr N P Shukla,  Former Chairman MPPCB, Member EAC of MoEF&CC, & and GC Vibha. National Organising Secretary of VIBHA  Sri Jayant Sahasrabuddhe ji gave orientation talk on  Vision and mission Vigyan Bharati to Newly joined Members of Vigyan Bharati. It was participated by more than 60 persons including CMD BCCL Sri Shekhar Sharan, Director Tech (P&P) Sri Rakesh Kumar and Director Tech (OP) Sri Prasad ji, all the General Manager of different areas and HoD of different department, Nodal officers of environmental from different area of BCCL  alongwith VIBHA Jharkhand Memebers participated in the program. Recently more than 150 practicing engineered of  BCCL taken Membership of Vigyan Bharati.

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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