Sunday, 27 January 2019

National Raman Science Contest 2019

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National Raman Contest 2019

Raman Science & Technology Foundation


Main Objectives :

  • ·     Students bring awareness for environment through celebration of National Science Day.
  • ·     Students develop interest and aptitude and through that scientific approach.
  • ·     Students  become  aware  about environment  and  step forward for         its protection.
  • ·     Students get information regarding new Science.
Format of exam :
·     Junior level ( for std. 6,7 & 8)
·     Senior level ( for std. 9,10 & 11)

Centre of examination : Building of school
Administrative of examination : Administrative of school, principal or selected person would be applicable.
Medium of examination : Gujarati, Hindi, English, Marathi or regional language will be provided.
Format of exam : For both Junior & Senior level 50 m.c.qs of 100 marks will be asked in selected language. Students have to give answer in OMR sheet.
Syllabus of exam : Both level’s exam paper will contain these questions :
(1)70% of questions will be based on text books (current text books)
(2)20% of questions will be based on book related with safety of environment or out of it
(3)10% of questions will be based on Indian scientists and their lives

National Raman Science Contest 2019
Hardness of exam
30%of questions will be hard 40% of questions will be medium 30% of questions will be easy.Question paper of 100 marks (50 questions) will be of 1.30 hours.
Fees of examination :
(1)             For Junior level (std. 6,7 & 8) Rs. 70 /-(2)             For Senior level (std.9,10 & 11) Rs. 80 /- How to send fees :
The examination centre has to keep 15% of fees as expense related with examination. The rest 85% fees have to be deposit at Bank of India saving account number 209310110003724
Raman Science and Technology Foundation (Surendranagar) and the receipt of deposited money has to be sent with account statement on this address : “Mangalam”, 2 – Amrut Nagar Society, Behind Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Kalavad Road, Rajkot.
If you send a draft , it should be sent of the name Raman Science and Technology Foundation (Surendranagar).
Benefits of students (Raman scholarship award ) :
(1) At school level C.V. Raman scholarship :
First three ranks of each standard in the school among participates will be given scholarship from 25% of school fees. According to number of students 100rs., 75rs. and 50rs. will be given. The prize money can be increased or decreased by the authorities according to the number of students.
(2) On the state level 1st rank will be given 1000rs., 2nd rank will be given 700rs. and 3rd rank will be given 500rs.
(3)  On national level 1st rank will get 2500rs. as Raman Scholarship Award. (For this school level’s exam result will be considered.)

If a student is bright, he/she will be able to take prize at each level.
Note : At any level if more than one students will share the rank, the prize money will also be divided.
Each student who will take part in the competition will be given a certificate.
At school level, if a student secures        Raman scholarship award, a certificate will also be given .

  Award for Schools - 
1.Golden Category Award

student of the school (including every standard) will participate, the school will be awarded by Dr. C.V.Raman Award.

National raman Science Contest 2019
·       The monthly magazine of institute which is called ‘Vigyan Safar’ in Gujarati & ‘Vigyan’ in Hindi & English will be sent free of cost.
·       The principal will be awarded as  the best principal/ the administrative will be awarded as ‘the best administrative’ (with gold medal) and the awardee will be given diary published by the institute.
·    Students of winning institute will get opportunity of direct selection in state level, national level and international level competition.
Award as silver category :
If 75% students of the school (including every standard) will participate, the school will be awarded as silver category.
·       Gujarati monthly ‘Vigyan Safar’ (free of cost)
·    Raman Award to school
·    The principal / administrative will be given silver medal and certificate
·    Students will get chance of direct selection in state level competitions as well as national level competition.
Award as bronze category :
If 50% students of the school (including every standard) or more will participate, the school will be awarded by Dr.C.V.Raman award bronze category along with.

·       Gujarati monthly ‘Vigyan Safar’ (free of cost)
·   The principal / administrative will be given bronze medal and certificate
·   Students will get chance of direct selection in state level competitions.

General category :
·   If more than 100 students of school (in both junior and senior category) will participate in the competition, the school will be given general category award.
·       Gujarati monthly ‘Vigyan Safar’ (free of cost)
·   The administrative   or  the  principal  will  be  awarded        by certificate for the good work.

Exam date will be 28th February,2019 (National Science Day)
Supported by :

·    National Council of Teacher Scientist (New Delhi)
·    Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam National Council of Young Scientist
·    All India Ramanujan Maths Club
·    Indian Planetarium Society (Mumbai)

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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