Sunday, 2 December 2018

National Children's Science Congress 2018 organised

NCSC 2019,NCSC 2018,NCSC jharkhand,jharhand,National Childrens science congress,Shree Ayappa public school Bokaro,BSL Job,National level ncsc,Ncsc Bhuneshwar

National Children's Science Congress 2018 organised at Jharkhand

In the jharkhand two days National Children's Science Congress 2018 organised by the two organizing organisation Science for Society and Vigyan Jagran Samiti of jharkhand with help of National Council of Science and technology communication,DST,Govt. of India in the campus of Shree ayappa pulic school,Bokaro from 1 to 2 Dec 2018.In this state level program  not only student and teacher of 8 district came while also from Garhwa Aryabhatt Science Club ,Ranka presented a project about awareness of peope about crackers in Diwali. Inaugration of program done by the chief guest Deputy Commisioner of Bokaro Distric M K Barnwal and officers of SFS and VJS.

see this video about save tree

Second day of event

Second day of program all participant visited two awesome place of bokaro one is Golden Temple,and other is Jagganath Mandir of Bokaro.Also one exihibition of all project projected at the exihibition hall.All district coordinator ,members of SFS&VJS,guests are felicited for their contributin for the event.In this program also lecture of Dr. T Pachal and Rajeev Sriwastva are organised of the respective topic one is about project making for NCSC 2019 and other is about plastic pollution due to celebration of this 2018 World Environment day as Beat Plastic Pollution theme.

All good performed students are felicited also.At valedictory session District Police office of Bokaro S Karthik, State coordinator DNS Anand ,Ex GM of BSL P Balasubhramianyam,Pricipal of Shree Ayappa Public School Letha Mohanan,Coordinator ,Resource officer & Member of Aryabhatt Science Club ,Ranka (VP-JH009) Alok kumar chaudhary,Avinash Kumar,Vishal k Chaudhary,DC Dwari,Alok Kumar of Loharadagga,etc are presented there.

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Aryabhatt Science

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For Science communication


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