Saturday, 12 February 2022

Free Participation In Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2022

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Free Participation In Tata Crucible Campus Quiz 2022 

About The Organizer: 

This competition is organising by Tata Crucible. 'Tata Crucible - The Business Quiz' seeks to bring together sharpest young minds in India to take on the heat of the toughest business quiz in India . Youth is a key audience cluster which the Tata Group is focusing its communication at and Tata Crucible is one of the key initiatives towards this engagement.

About The Competition/Quiz : 

The 2022 edition of Tata Crucible Campus Quiz will be held completely online right from registrations to prelims and also the quiz finals.

• 2 Prelims

• 24 cluster finals including wild card round

• 4 Zonal Finals and 1 Wild Card round for Zonal runners-up

• 1 National Final 

Clusters Of The Tata Crucible Campus Quiz: 

For the edition the Tata Crucible Campus Quiz the country has been divided into 24 clusters and the quiz finals will be held for these 24 clusters. 

These clusters are based on the location of work. Individuals need to select their correct location of work in the online registration form as that would become the basis of allotting the cluster to them. 

The Two Prelims Are : 

Level 1 Prelim: 

• This will be a pan-India prelim for all participants.

• This is a software-based round.

• The top 100* from each of the 24 clusters will progress to Level 2 prelim. Total 1200 qualify.

Level 2 Prelim: 

• This level is for the top 1200 (top 100 from each cluster).

• Top scorers from Level 1 prelim will receive communication from organisers if they qualify for Level 2 prelims.

• This is also a software-based round in which they have to answer of 30 questions in 15 minutes.

• The top 12 from each of the 24 clusters will progress to the Cluster Finals – Wild Card Round, after due validation process. If there are any drop-outs or if participation of any of the top 12 scorers is considered invalid at this stage, then the next top scorers from 13th spot onwards will be invited to complete the 12 spots for the finals.

• Totally 288 participants will qualify.

Quiz Finals : 

Cluster Finals – Cluster finals will comprise of wild card round followed by the actual finals.

Wild Card Round: 

 • The top 12 from each of the 24 clusters, after due validation, will participate in the wild card round.

• The cluster wild card round will have two rounds of 6 participants each.

• This is also a software-based round.

• From each of these 2 wild card rounds the top 3 will qualify for the actual cluster final.

Actual Cluster Final : 

• The top 6 from the cluster Wild Card finals will take part in the Actual Cluster Final.

• The top scorer from this final will be declared as winner and second top scorer will be declared as runner-up.

• The winners at the cluster final level will qualify for the semi finals.

Zonal Final : 

• The 24 clusters will be further separated into 4 Zones – East, West, North and South and each Zone will comprise of 6 clusters.

• The winner from each of the 24 cluster finals will be part of the Zonal Finals, based on the Zone under which their cluster belongs.

• From each of the 4 Zonal Finals, the winner will qualify for the National Final directly.

• For the runners-up from each of the 4 Zonal Finals, a Wild Card Final will be conducted and from this 2 will qualify for the National Finals.

National Final : 

• The 6 finalists, comprising of 4 winners from Zonal Finals and 2 from the Zonal Wild Card Finals, will compete in the National Finals.

• The top scorer will be crowned the National Champion.

All the 29 final quiz finals which includes 24 Cluster Finals and Cluster Wild Card Final round, 4 Zonal Finals including ZonalWild Card Final and 1 National Final event, will be held on a digital platform and hosted by Quizmaster Pickbrain. Detailed instructions will be sent to the shortlisted participants prior to the event.

Eligibility : 

• The Quiz is open to full-time students from all disciplines of any under-graduation, degree, or post-graduation courses, across India, but not Junior college students.

• This Event is open to only educational institutions located in India.  

Rules And The Guidlines Of The Quiz : 

• Any number of individuals from a campus / institute can participate in the Quiz.

• Individuals need to choose their location in the online registration form based on the place where their campus/ institute is located and not the place of residence of the student.

• All registered individuals will receive a confirmation message by email once their registration is verified.

• There will be 24 cluster finals held in this edition and based on the location of the campus/institute as selected in the registration form, individuals will be allotted a cluster from the backend.

• There will be two levels of online Prelims conducted in this edition of the Event.

• All registered individuals will be given detailed instructions regarding common all India Level 1 Prelim, prior to the date of the said Prelim.

• Based on pre-defined scoring parameters, up to top 100* scorers from Level 1 Prelim from each of the 24 clusters at the backend, will qualify for Level 2 Prelims.

• Top 12 scorers from Level 2 Prelims will be invited for their respective cluster finals, after due verification.

• If there are any dropouts from the top 12 scorers in any of the cluster, then the next top scorer would be invited for the cluster finals after due verification.

• Each cluster final will consist of wild card round(s) and final round with top 6 contestants and an overall winner and runner-up.

• The Winner from each cluster final will be invited to the Zonal Finals. There will be four Zonal Final events and the winner from each Zonal Final would qualify for the National Finals.

• There will be a Wild Card round with the runners-up from each of the Zonal Finals, so four of them will compete in this Wild Card out of which the top two will qualify for the National Finals.

• In all, there will be 6 National Finalists, 4 Zonal Winners and 2 from the Wild Card round for Zonal Runners-up.

• The top scorer in the National Finals will be declared as Winner.

• All participants are required to have valid photo identity proof of the campus/ institute that they are representing and produce the same on demand. Normal photo identity proof like PAN card, Voter ID , etc are not valid identity proofs for the purposes of this Quiz. In the event of a college ID card not being available or not as per the specifications, the organiser would request the participant to provide a validation letter from the institute confirming the credentials of the participating student.

• The number of individuals that will qualify from Level 1 Prelim is currently proposed to be top 100 scorers, but this number may vary based on actual participation.

• Management, employees and families of the Organizers (Corporate Brand and Marketing Team at Tata Sons Private Limited and Tata Services Ltd along with identified agency partners for the event) are not able to take part in this quiz .

• The competition is being organised in a digital platform (Online).

• The participants should agree that the organisation will not be responsible for the internet related problems.

• The participants will ensure fair play at the Quiz and shall abide by all the rules of the Quiz.

• If any actions of the participants at any stage of the Event are found objectionable either by the Organisers or Quizmaster and seem to be in violation of any of the rules of the Quiz, they shall accept the decision of the Organisers and Quizmaster which will be final and binding on all issues related to Tata Crucible.

• The participants may be required to be physically present at a venue for the Zonal Finals and National Finals of the Quiz which may require specific physical presence of the finalists at a given centre and/or outstation travel.

• In case any finalist is unable to be physically present, his/her slot will be offered to other finalists. The details will be available close to the time of the Event.

• The organisers retain the right to make any changes to the event, its format, date, rules and in any matter related to this Event, at any time before or during the Event.

• Organisers reserve the right to accept or reject any application to registration and / or entry to the Event proceedings.

• By entering the Event and / or participating in the Quiz, the attendees permit themselves to be photographed / videographed / recorded by electronic and print mediums for telecast / publication and other display usage of the organisers.

• Once you register for the Event you indicate your acceptance that the decision of the organisers and quizmaster will be final and binding on all issues related to the Event and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained.

• By registering for the Event, you also indicate your acceptance to these terms and your consent to the effect that the organisers can send you communication from time to time regarding the Event or any other initiatives by the organisers or its group entities.

• Prizes once awarded will be final and there would be no exchange/substitution of the prizes to the winners.

• Neither the Organisers nor the sponsors, or employees, consultants, agents, third party service providers of the Organisers may be held liable for any warranty, costs, damage, injury, or any other claims incurred as a result of usage of the prize by the winner once delivered by the Organisers.

• If the specified prize becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, the organisers may substitute the prize at their discretion.

• All tax liabilities wherever applicable, will be the responsibility of the recipients of the prizes.

• This is to inform all participants and winners that government id cards, bank details, etc. may be collected from the participants/ winners of the competition, both offline and online, for the purposes of reaching out to them with regards to their participation, winning of the Quiz and also distribution of prizes as the case may be.

• This is an individual participation event and participants are required to participate only on their own, without any proxies and without any help from any other individuals, family members or anyone else at any stage of the Quiz.

• Organisers reserve the right to cancel any individual’s participation in case the organisers are convinced of any breach of the rules.

Registration Process: 

Interested participants can participate through this link Click here

Registration Fee (if any): 

Free of cost participation.

Prize & Rewards: 

National Final (Winner) - 2.5 Lakhs

Cluster Final (Winner) - 35,000/-

Cluster Final (Runner up) - 18,000/- 

Important Deadlines: 

Last date of registration is 7th March 2022. 

Contact Details: 

For any queries please contact on

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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