Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Participate in Paper Presentation for Teachers event of Indian Science Techno Festival (ISTF)-2021

Indian Science Techno Festival 2021, Paper Presentation for Teachers event of Indian Science Techno Festival, paper presentation event of ISTF 2021

 Participate in Paper Presentation for Teachers event of Indian Science Techno Festival (ISTF)-2021

VIPNET -Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs

(An Autonomous organization under Dept. Science & Technology)

Govt. of India 

Affiliation Reg. No. VP-GJ0158, VP-DL0181 & VP-RJ0064

Raman Science & Technology Foundation

National Council of Teacher Scientist (NCTS), India

APJ Abdul Kalam National Council of Young scientist


Indian Science Techno Festival (ISTF)-2021

Paper Presentation for Teachers

(Open to all School Teachers & College Faculty)



1. Advantages of Digital Gadgets in the Teaching-Learning Process.

2. Importance of Technology in Math’s/Science Teaching.

3. How Teaching becomes more interesting with the help of Technology.

4. Virtual Learning.

5. Digital India.

6. Vocal for Local

There will ben three stages

Stage 1- Registration

Stage 2- Full Paper Submission

Stage 3- PPT Presentation

Stage 1 Registration:

  • There will be individual participation and participants have to register online through Google form.

      Google form link:

  • (After registration join the WhatsApp group it is very important for all updates regarding feedback form and other announcements of the event)

Stage 2 Full Paper Submission:1. The research paper must be original. Innovative papers will be preferred.

2. Paper should be based on Science or Mathematics.

3. Paper should not exceed 10 pages.

4. Font size: Title-16; Sub title-14; Content-12.

5. Font style: Times new roman, line spacing: 1.5.

6. Full Paper presentation should be written in the following format:

A) Title page (write below details in the top to bottom order and in centre alignments: Title of Paper

 Theme & Sub-theme covered

 Name and Designation.

 The full address of School/Institute with Whatsapp number and E-mail.

 The name of program where participating, submission ( d/m/y)

B) Paper Format (Abstracts & Keywords)

C) Full Paper contain

 Title of the paper

 Introduction

 Objectives

 Hypotheses

 Definition

 Variables

 Methods

 Analysis and Interpretation

 Findings

 Conclusion and Recommendations

 Educational Implication

 References

 Annexure if required

 Biodata of teacher/Faculty

6) Full paper should be converted in PDF format which should be 1MB or transmittable to organizers. (Abstract – 300 words & Full Paper-1000-1500 words)

Stage 3- Paper (PPT) Presentation

1. Only Selected authors will present the paper.

2. PPT Presentation should contain 8-10 Slides

3. Presentation 6-8 Min & Discussion 2 min.

4. Intimation will be done only through e-mail.:

5. All participants will be given E-certificates.

6. Best papers will be published in our magazine “Vigyanik Souch” (ISSN)

7. Award will be conferred for best papers.

8. The decision of the expert panel committee will be final in Stage -2 and Stage –

9. Award Ceremony: February 28, 2021(Special occasion of National Science Day 2021)


Event Coordinator Committee

1. Dr. Shantilal Bhoraniya

    (National Director, NCTS-India)

     Mob. No. 9879910905

2. Dr. Sanjay Patel

    (Director, NCTS- Diu & Daman)

    Mob. No. 9825823271

3. Dr. Manoj Javani

    (Director, NCTS- Gujarat)

    Mob. No. 9428660072

4. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar

    (Director, NCTS- H.P.)

    Mob. No. 9418471525

5. Prof. Manoj Kumar

    (Director, NCTS-Uttarakhand)

    Mob. No. 8006781086

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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