Monday, 7 December 2020

Apply for Best Science Teacher Award by NATIONALACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INDIA, Jharkhand Chapter

Best teacher award, best science teacher award, award by NATIONAL ACADEMY of sciences, nadi jharkhand best science teacher award, best teacher award

 Apply for Best Science Teacher Award by NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, INDIA, Jharkhand Chapter


To recognize and value excellence, consistency and high level of teaching in the Schools in the State of Jharkhand, the NASI Jharkhand Chapter has instituted the Best Teachers Award. The award is made annually to recognize and honour teachers for providing guidance, inspiration and mentoring students to take up careers in Science and Technology. 

Number of Awards: 

The number of awards to be made in any year shall be TWO science teachers, i.e., one from VI to VIII std and second from IX to XII. 


The award shall be made to outstanding teachers currently working or worked in India, with at least 10 years of teaching experience at any recognized school in the State of Jharkhand

Maximum age limit is 55 years as on December 31, 2020.

A teacher may be nominated only by The Principal of the School where he/she is currently serving. The nominators may forward only one nomination in each category.

 Only one nomination per teacher in either category will be accepted

Selection Criterion: 

Consistent excellence in teaching as evident from performance of students, inspiring students to take up careers in Science and Technology, introducing novel teaching methods, experiments and materials, and pedagogy. Active involvement in science popularization and outreach activities will be an additional consideration.

Announcement of the Awards:

 The names of the awardees selected for the award shall be notified to the applicant and Principal of respective school.

Presentation of the Award:

 The presentation of the Awards shall be made by the President, NASI Jharkhand Chapter, at National Science Day 2021


Each award will carry a cash prize of Rs 10,000/ (Rupees Ten thousand only) along with a citation and a memento.

The nomination shall be made in the prescribed format (Annexure-I). One hard copy and a soft copy in MS-Word only (in a CD/through e-mail at, along with all supporting documents, must reach the Dr. Arvind Sinha, Chief Scientist and Head, AMP Division, Chairman, NASI-Jharkhand Chapter, C/o CSIR-NML, Jamshepur-831007 not later than January 30, 2021. Nominations that are incomplete or received after the due date shall not be considered.


Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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