Friday, 20 November 2020

Different Edition of India international Science Festival

Different Edition of India International Science Festival , Different Edition IISF, IISF different edition, IISF EVENT VENUE, IISF CITY, IISF , IISF

 Different Edition of India International Science Festival 

The Indian International Science Festival (IISF) has created a platform to create an innovative knowledge society to inspire curiosity and make learning more rewarding for the young while motivating the public: to engage with and celebrate the joy of science. ‘The IISF 2020 is the path of the science, organized continuously since 2015-2019. Every year IISF has witnessed diversity in its programmes of the number of events, participants, etc. and incision of programmes like Students’ Science Village, Women ‘Scientists & Entrepreneurs Conclave, Green Good Deeds, Face-to-Face with New Frontiers in Science has made this event a mega success.

‘The first edition of IISF : 

was held during 4-8 December 2015 at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Ministry of Science and Technology. Ministry of Earth Sciences and Vijnana Bharati Collectively organized it with the Department of Science and Technology as the nodal organizer and TIFAC as the coordinating department.
IISF 2015 gave deep insight into the evolvement of Science & Technology India. It provided a platform to witness innovate practices: and achievements by the Indian science & technology. system. It also provided an elective platform for ‘scientist-students interactions as well, A Gunness Book of World Record was created.

The second edition of IISF:

 was held at CSIR-NPL, New Delhi during 7-12 December 2016 under the theme "Science for the Masses”. Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences and ‘Vignana Bharti jointly organized the event along with CSIR as the nodal organisation and National Physical Laboratory (WPL) acted a coordinating department,

A unique event! “Student's Science Village” was introduced: there were more than 1900 village students and teachers take part across the country, All the participants were nominated by Hon'ble Members of Parliament from their respective adopted villages under the Pradhan Mantri Sansad Aadarsh Gram Yojana. Around 5500 scientists, researchers, Technocrats, communicators and registered Delegates partitioned in 7 different events,

The third edition of IISF:

was held during 13-16 October 2017 at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and Anna University, Chennai under the theme ‘“Science for New India”. The event was a collective effort of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry ‘of Earth Sciences and Vanana Bharati. Coordinated by MOES and National Institute of Ocean Technology:(NIOT) acted as coordinating Institute, Neary 5 lac visitors witnessed the festival & more than 7000 registered delegates participated in 16 different events and a Guinness Book of World Record was created.

The fourth edition of IISF: 

was held from 5-8 October 2016 at Indira Gandhi Pratishihan, Lucknow under the theme “Science for Transformation”. 11 was organized by Ministry at Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences m association with Vijnana Bharati. It was coordinated by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), and the nodal agency was National Institute of Immunology (NII).

It aimed to provide a platform to young students, scientists and technocrats from across India for exchange of knowledge and ideas and also supported flagship programs In “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan", Swasth Bharat Abhiyan’, “Make in India”, “Digital India”, “Science Villages”, “Namamni Gange*. “Unnat Bharat Abhiyan’, etc. started by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. IISF 2018 witnessed more ‘than 10 lakh visitors and above 20 thousand registered delegates in 22 different events and also two Guinness Book of World Records were achieved. As part of the promotional activities tor IISF 2018, a yatra was flagged off from three different cities.

The fifth edition of IISF:

was held at Biswa Bangla Convention Centre & Science City, Kolkata during 5-8 November 2019 under the theme *Research Innovation‘Sclence Empowering Nation". Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Vijnana Bharati collectively “Organized it with Department of Science and Technology: (DST) as the nodal organizer and Vigyan Prasar as the coordinating institute,

ISFF 2019 was inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India. IISF 2019 witnessed more than 15 lakh participants during the event. over 15 thousand registered ‘delegates in 28 different events and a Guinness Book of ‘World Record were also achieved! As part of the promotional activities for IISF 2019, a yatra was flagged off in three different cities.

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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