Friday, 9 October 2020

Participate in Vigyan Prasar & Pushpa Gujral Science City Organize ONLINE SHORT FILM MAKING COMPETITION

FILM MAKING COMPETITION, Vigyan Prasar Film making competition, Vigyan parasar competition, Pushpa Gujral Science City competition, science film

 Participate in Vigyan Prasar & Pushpa Gujral Science City  Organize ONLINE SHORT FILM MAKING COMPETITION

About Competition

In wake of COVID-19 pandemic, Vigyan Prasar (VP) & Pushpa Gujral Science City (PGSC)  is organizing a short film making competition with an objective to get short films made to create awareness among the public(urban as well as rural,literate as well as illiterate, young and old etc.) about Covid 19 such as its cause, how to prevent, research etc.


Students of Mass Communication, Journalism, Public Relations, Media,  journalists & others


1. The work should be original and   should not infringe the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any person/ organization.

2. Multiple entries by a person and Group entries are not allowed.

3. The video can be shot using smartphones, cameras or any other digital recorder. Animation films, mobile films and films of any other genre produced with broadcast quality can be submitted in this contest.

4. The maximum duration of the video should be 8 minutes.

5. The participants have the liberty to edit their footage and include voice overs, backgroundmusic, sub-titles, special effects, animations, etc.

6. Any music/Image/animation etc used must not violate the copyright of any third party.

7. Videos of Full HD quality (1080p) in MP4 format are to be uploaded on YouTube and the linkcan be shared on entry form.

8. Detailed instructions are described below in a separate section.

9. Participants are required to submit their videos in English/Hindi language only.

10. All entries should be accompanied with a brief (max 150 words) mentioning the conceptnote of their prepared video. 

11. The entries may be used by Pushpa Gujral Science City and Vigyan Prasarfor promotionaland display purposes and also for health awareness purpose with due recognition. 

12. By submitting your videos, you accept that you are the copyright owner of the work andthat you agree to our terms and conditions.

13. The video must not be derogatory, offensive, threatening,defamatory, or disparaging, orcontain any content that is inappropriate,indecent, sexual, profane, tortuous, slanderous, discriminatory in any way, or one that promotes hatred or harm against any group or person, or otherwise does not comply with the theme and spirit of the Contest. 

14. All personal information, such as your name, telephone number and email address, institution etc., is collected solely for the purposes of administering this contest and shall not be used for any other purpose without your consent. By providing this information, your consent to it being used by PGSC for the stated purposes. 

15. Participant(s) is/are required to ensure that his/her identity is accurate and updatedsince PGSC would be using this for further communication.

16. This includes details such as Name, Father's/Husband's Name, Date of Birth,Address,Institution, Email-id, and Phone Number. Entries with incomplete profiles will not be considered. 

17. Participant may participate in the contest as a team; however,team member may not be more than five. Please note that first member will be considered as the main participant and he/she will be contacted for any communication by PGSC.

18. In case of team participation, all participants will get individual certificate who had beenmentioned in the registration form. 

19. Once submitted an entry cannot be withdrawn

20. Once Video entry submitted cannot be replaced or deleted from the youtube.

21. PGSC or VigyanPrasar will not accept any responsibility for entries that are lost, are late or incomplete or have been transmitted due to any error beyond the organizer's reasonable control. Please note proof of submission of the entry is not proof of receipt of the same.

22. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, organizers reserve the right to amend orwithdraw the contest at any time.

23. The participant shall abide by all the rules and regulations of participating in the contestfrom time to time.

24. Organizers decision of the contest shall be final and binding and no correspondence willbe entered into regarding the same. 

25. All submitted entries and its copyright will be the property of PGSC/ VigyanPrasar andany changes deemed fit to improve the same will be undertaken.


1.Please upload your film on YouTube. 

2.Visit PGSC official website

3.Click on Short film making contest Entry form click here

4. Fill all the information in Entry form and copy paste your YouTube Link inthe space provided. 



1.All the entries received within the due date will be placed before a Selection Committeefor final selection. The Competition judge's decision will be final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into regarding the judging process or any outcomes reached.  

2.The video will be evaluated based on the Originality,Informational content, VisualImpact, Technical execution and Overall Impression

The results of competition will be declared on online workshop on Science Journalism (date will be intimated soon). 


This webinar will illustrate the process of reporting science and innovation related events, information and stories and will include practical tips and advice as well as the latest thinking on public engagement by eminent speakers from Vigyan Prasar, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), Media, etc.

For queries: 7889291007, 8837897789

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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