Friday, 19 June 2020

ISRO Drawing competition 2020 in ICSC 2020

ISRO Drawing competition 2020 in ICSC 2020,isro cyberspace competition date, isro cyberspace competition 2020 date, isro cyberspace competition regist

ISRO Drawing competition 2020 in ICSC 2020
हिंदी में

ISRO Drawing competition 2020 in ICSC 2020

Fee for registration: Free of Cost

Eligibility: Class 1, 2 and 3

Illustrated Video: 

The name of the top 500 students will be announced on the ISRO website and the Merit Certificates will be provided by e-mail/post. Participation Certificate for all other participants.

Syllabus:  To find the syllabus of this competition Click here.
For registration click here on or before June 24, 2020. A unique registration number will be generated against successful registration. For login click here after registration. 

Contact Information: 
In the condition of any difficulty first, go to this Frequently asked question section. If till difficulty will there contact below:

Capacity Building Programme Office,
Indian Space Research Organization Headquarters,
Antriksh Bhawan, New Bel Road, Bengaluru- 560231
Phone: 080 – 2351 5850, 

1. The topic of the competition will be sent on registered e-
mail and available on ISRO website on the stipulated day.

2. A3 size white paper or Chart paper should be used.

3. Use water, wax or pencils colours for drawing.

4. Write the registration number in the top right corner of
the drawing paper.

5. Writing the participant name, school name etc. on the
drawing paper shall make the participation invalid.

6. The Participant/parent to take a clear photograph or
scan the drawing and upload it at the given link on
ISRO website.

7. Photograph in .pdf or .jpeg format only.

8. Put the name of the file as registration number.

General Rules & Regulations:
1. The competition is open to the school students studying in India.

2. All competitions are individual events.

3. The affiliation of the students for a particular class category shall be based on their enrolment during the academic year 2020-21.

4. The Identity Card issued by the Institution during the Academic Year 2019-20 shall be taken as reference.

5. In case the results are awaited for Academic Year 2019-20, it may be deemed that the participant has already passed the examination and has got enrolled in the next grade during the Academic Year
2020-21. This condition is applicable only for participation in “ISRO Cyberspace Competitions – 2020” through online mode and cannot be taken as an endorsement for any other purpose.

6. Registrations have to be done on the link provided at ISRO website on or before June 24, 2020. A unique registration number will be generated against successful

7. One individual can register and participate in only one competition.

8. Name of submission file shall be the same as the registration number of the participant.

9. The name of the top 500 students will be announced on the ISRO website and the Merit Certificates will be provided by e-mail/post.

10. All other participants will receive a Participation Certificate through e-mail.

11. The detailed procedure of the ICC-2020 shall be provided at ISRO portal.

12. For further details, please contact.
Phone: 080 – 2351 5850
e-mail :

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


  1. i have registred .,how to upload drawing?

  2. how to upload drawing after registratrion?

  3. Topic not declared . We have to choose topic or you will announce old suggest

  4. When topic is going to be allotted? What is the last date of submission of drawing?

  5. What is competition date? When and where we have to upload drawing?

    1. Competition date and topic will declared soon.

  6. We are 4 siblings and we are confused whom email id is tegistered as whose name ? 2 emails are confirmed but other two is in confusion. Can we register again?

  7. By when the topic & date & time slot will be provided to class 1-3 category.
    Please confirm. Will you be notifying us by EMAIL.

    Thanks & kind Regards,

  8. I have not received registration I'd yet

  9. I have successfully registered my daughter name and got registration no..but by chance I lost my registration no..can I get again

  10. I can't access my registration number of my enrollment for drawing competition registered on 22 nd June.pls help me out

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What is the topic where will we get it

  13. Ican not find the topic of drawing

  14. We have to select the topic out of six given?

  15. We have to select the topic out of six given?

  16. Please tell how to see the main topic

  17. Hi, I am done the drawing, out where to upload it??

  18. We got topic mail at today 7 pm. But the drawing upload option was only enabled at 11am to 4 pm.

  19. Why u sent the topic of drawing too late at 17:37 pm.. Bt the time was bt 11to 4 pm

    1. Same here competition is over now??how come they are sending mail after competition of the competition..strange

  20. Topic sent through email at 5:37pm.but time to send between 11 to 4pm .how it is possible

  21. If ur drawing competition was just formalities or show off why u have disturbed us by giving mail or registration number

  22. Can we submit now as we received the mail late by 19.58 on 3 july

  23. Please reply when and how to upload

  24. When the results would be uploaded

  25. yes when Results will be announced?

  26. When drawing result announced ??

  27. Sir mera registration se delete ho gya aur restore bhi ni ho RHA.
    Fir kya main bina registration only using password given by isro on gmail ke quiz competition de skta
    Ya fir sir is there any way to regenerate my registration no.of ICC 2020 comp.
    Pls help sir

  28. Hello sir, my daughter appeared for drawing competition on 3rd July. She is asking when the result will be declared? Can I know the date when results will be declared.

  29. when drawing competition result sir?

  30. When will be the results...for art

  31. When will be the result of drawing competition

  32. When will the results be announced?

  33. No email abt topic or anything sent to me. Is the competition still going to happen?
