Sunday 21 June 2020

Make this Annular Solar Eclipse More Scientific

Make scientific camera to observe Annular Solar Eclipse, Annular Solar Eclipse 2020, Solar Eclipse, Solar eclipse scientific activity Solar eclips

Make this Annular Solar Eclipse More Scientific 

Aryabhatt Science Club Ranka Appeals to everyone to make this Annular Solar Eclipse rare event more scientific on the place of creating any fear in society on the name of some unscientific matters. We also want to give best wishes to the whole nation, science clubs, society, astronomy specialist who are organizing any scientific activity on this annular eclipse. 

If you also want to make this Annular Solar Eclipse more scientific you can see our above video where you can learn how to make some special equipment at you home with some home material, to observe this annular solar eclipse safely, with the care of your eyes.

Observation Video:

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


  1. Hi..i haven't received certificate of Quiz participtpart i had submitted successfully.
