Monday, 18 May 2020

Ask Question on Mission Aditya L1

#ISRO #MissionAditya #DrArvindRanade #StarTalk #VijnanaBharti Importance of mission Aditya Different part of sun, Different sphere of sun, What is st

Ask Question on Mission Aditya L1 

 Dear Participants of National Quiz Competition 2020 or viewer of Lecture on Mission Adiya by ISRO by Dr Arvind Ranade || Dr Arvind Ranade Explain Mission Aditya L1 If you have any question regarding this after fully watch the video, please ask here in the comment section with your name or without name its depend on you. We will definitely work on your question reach to you after getting an answer from scientist and specialist of Mission Aditya L1.

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


  1. The quiz will be in English?

  2. Sir I don't understand about the black out radiation produce by the sun

  3. Sir, is there any satellite is sent to the space prior to Aditya-L1. If not then How these details about sun is collected ?

  4. What is Solar Physics? What is main content of this part of science.

  5. The quiz will be in English or hindi?
