Thursday, 26 December 2019

10th ARIES Training School in Observational Astronomy-2020 (ATSOA-2020, 16th-26th March 2020)

on-line registration: Click here

The 10th ATSOA will be held from 16th-26th March 2020 at ARIES, Manora Peak, Nainital.
The focus will be on hand on experience on observational Astronomy using 1m ARIES
telescope. The topics covered at the school included Telescopes, Star Formation and
Evolution, Circumstellar Matter, Radiative Processes, and Techniques of Photometry,
Spectroscopy, Polarimetry as well as Galactic and Extra- Galactic Astronomy. Priority will be
given to hands-on/demo sessions on image processing and spectral analysis, and training of
night sky by eye programe. The audience targeted by the school is primarily the young M.Sc.
or Ph.D first year students, inclined to work in observational Astronomy. During the school
ample time will also be for discussions and practice as well to interact closely with ARIES
Ph.D. research students who will be main driver behind the hand on sessions.
Scientific rational: Our current understanding of the Universe depend not only on
continuous growth of observation facilities, but also on the number of peoples utilizing them.
Recently there has been seen serge in upcoming observatory not only national wise but also
in the international scenario, such as this year installed ARIES Devasthal 3.6m telescope and
internationally existing European very large 8.6m telescope (VLT) and American Keck 10m
telescope. Similarly in the high energy range (X-ray and gamma-ray) which have been made
possible by satellites such as XMM-Newton, Chandra, INTEGRAL, RXTE, Swift, and Suzaku,
while ongoing new missions, like Indian Astro-sat and Fermi Gamma-Ray Observatory,
alongwith upcoming 30m class telescope promise new discoveries. The same is true for
radio astronomy with many discoveries from the existing world-leading radio-astronomical
observatories such the ATCA, VLA, VLBA, EVN, MERLIN and GMRT in India, which is
world's largest radio telescope at meter wavelength, with a range of major planned upgrades
to these facilities, plus additional facilities planned and under construction.
 Clearly, given these developments, the need for more researchers to exploit the enormous
volume of available and upcoming scientific data, both by analyzing these data and
interpreting them, is pressing. In this context, we announce 10th ARIES training school in
Observational Astronomy (ATSOA) to provide, young Indian Universities/College M.Sc. final
year or fresh Ph.D. students, the necessary expertise/skill to independently conduct data￾analysis relating to observational astrophysics especially in Optical domain.


Registration open: 26 Dec-2019: . Registration closes: 30 Jan-2020
 Firs list of selection: 10th Feb 2020 .
Second list of selection : 25th Feb 2020
 Schedule announcement: 1
st March 2020
 ATSOA 2020 to be held: 16th to 26th March 2020

on-line registration:

email: or

Aryabhatt Science

Author & Editor

For Science communication


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